Month: May 2015


The Power of Kindness

One Saturday last year, my family rode our bikes to the downtown city market. Each weekend, the market takes over a parking lot and presents a diverse group of vendors’ booths. The place overflows with organic produce, baked goods, and every imaginable artisan craft creation (jewelry, paintings, woodwork, and more).

Why Heroes Don’t Necessarily Do the Exciting Stuff

My husband is a computer whiz. Naturally, family and friends consult him about their computer problems. One day, he was helping a friend (whom we’ll call Jake for now) with some computer issues when he noticed a few things that caused him to suspect Jake might be struggling with some internet-related temptations. My husband told […]

Our Strength And Song

Often called “The March King,” composer and band director John Philip Sousa created music that has been played by bands around the world for more than a hundred years. As Loras John Schissel, music historian and conductor of the Virginia Grand Military Band, said, “Sousa is to marches what Beethoven is to symphonies.” Sousa understood the power of music to motivate, encourage, and inspire people.

Enemy to Family

In 1943, Charles Brown was piloting a crippled aircraft when he saw another plane off his wingtip. The other pilot made eye contact with Brown and escorted his plane to safety before saluting and flying away. The story gets better—for Charles Brown was piloting a US bomber over the skies of Germany, and the other pilot was a German flying ace named Franz Stigler! Stigler treated Brown as a friend even though they were supposed to be enemies.

Chipmunk Chatter

Ihad laid out some landscape netting in my yard, upon which I was going to spread decorative stones. As I was preparing to finish the job, I noticed a chipmunk tangled up in the netting.

Faith Full

Rather than use the closing “Faithfully yours,” many Ugandans end their correspondence with “Faith full,” followed by their name. Each time I’m the recipient of a letter with that closing (which is often in a country where many people still communicate with pen and paper), I ponder what it truly looks like to be “faith full”—to have a heart that brims with confidence in the Lord.

When I Remember Peter

Written By Chia Poh Fang, Singapore “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” —Matthew 16:18 God took a risk with me When He called me to serve Him Wholeheartedly, faithfully He knows me perfectly He knew […]

Stuck In The Mud

We were absolutely stuck! While I was laying the wreath in place on my parents’ grave, my husband eased the car off the road to allow another car to pass. It had rained for weeks and the parking area was sodden. When we were ready to leave, we discovered that the car was stuck. The wheels spun, sinking further and further into the mud.

Striving to be Somebody

Written by Lydia, Beijing, originally in Simplified Chinese (The article below is inspired by a true story.) “Study hard so you can become a somebody”, her parents used to tell her. And that was Sammy’s goal as a child—to make it someday, just like the next-door neighbor who made it to Oxford University. She accomplished […]

Discover how real religion can help us survive tough times

In the book of James, we find a radical definition of religion. True religion is not simply knowing about God, but rather, trusting in God. Join us today on “Discover the Word” as we conclude our series on “Pure Religion.”

Our Culture’s Idol

The story of King Nebuchadnezzar’s gold statue always puzzled me. How was it possible for a king to erect a statue and then demand that everyone bow down to it? (Daniel 3:1,5). The whole story seemed silly. And that was before the Veggie Tales video version, which substituted the statue with a chocolate bunny. Have you heard the “Bunny Song”? “The bunny, the bunny, yeah, I love the bunny. I gave everything that I had for the bunny!”

Christ heals the ravages of war–Dave & Judy’s Story

When nineteen-year-old Dave went to war, he didn’t know how deeply his experiences in Vietnam would change him. Hear the dramatic story of how God rescued Dave from an inner battle and helped him combat the vicious cycle of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Wisdom Seekers

Every spring colleges and universities hold commencement ceremonies to celebrate the success of students who have completed their studies and earned their degrees. After the students cross the stage, these graduates will enter a world that will challenge them. Just having academic knowledge won’t be good enough. The key to success in life will be in wisely applying everything they have learned.

Growing Faith: Talking with Your Kids About God


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[caption id="attachment_161273" align="alignleft" width="108"]teriandcrystal Left Teri Mckinley, Right Crystal Bowman[/caption]

Watch Our Daily Bread Ministries’ special presentation, “Growing Faith: Talking with Your Kids About God.” This engaging discussion with host Tim Jackson features special guests Crystal Bowman and Teri McKinley, the mother-daughter writing team who authored the Our Daily Bread for Kids devotional book and who have some creative ideas…

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